Simply create an account on our website to join the loyalty program.
Your loyalty level (or "lait-vel") evolves based on the amount spent at Tajinebanane (excluding purchases made through our resellers). Moving up through the different loyalty levels unlocks new benefits. Your loyalty benefits will expire after one year of inactivity from the date you entered that level.
Once your account is created, you’ll earn 1 loyalty point for every euro spent. You can also collect additional points by completing the missions listed on this page.
After each purchase, your points are automatically credited to your customer account. For all completed missions, there may be a delay of up to 3 days before points are awarded, as we need time to verify the validity of the mission.
Redeem your loyalty points for vouchers or other benefits.
Select your reward in your customer account or directly in your cart, then apply the code at checkout.
You can check your loyalty points directly in your customer account, under the "Loyalty" tab.
Share your referral link or enter your friends' email addresses in the referral section of your customer account. They will receive a discount for their first order, and you will receive your reward once the referral is validated.
The referred friend must be a new customer who has never placed an order on our website and must be different from the referrer. Failure to meet these conditions may result in the cancellation of referral benefits.