Why our store is not just a clothing store for breastfeeding moms...
The Mom Sweet Home in Bordeaux, a place of life and love.
You open the door, step onto the red carpet decorated with a white Mom Sweet Home, and enter. At the back, a corner to change your child, with everything you need for clean bottoms. Not far away, a chair to rest, breastfeed and read the books that we can't recommend enough.
And when you close the door, you can smell the coffee roasted especially for you, which we leave for you to enjoy. If you look to your right, you will surely see children playing; they are in the corner we have dedicated to them. Games, mats, books, coloring books...
We've got everything you need to keep your older kids busy in their own way, while you're nursing or pumping, chatting with another mom on the couch or trying on your favorite Tajinebanane pieces.
If you're lucky, you might even run into Ali, Marvin or even the junior milker-in-chief, Lou, who is often checking that the team is working hard in the offices just upstairs.
1. Floral decorations by Les filles les fleurs
2. Changing area: Baby changing table Charlie Crane, Nappies Little Big Change, Misting machine Mont Roucous
3. Box Shelves: Teas & infusions Greenma, Poster Helen b x Tajinebanane, Bowls Maison Roussot x Tajinebanane
Meetings between breastfeeding mums, mums-to-be and the whole tribu
Mom Sweet Home is the first single-brand store in France dedicated to breastfeeding and breastfeeding clothes, our own. It couldn't just be a shop where we sold our collections; it had to be a showcase for what we've always stood for at Tajinebanane: sharing, conviviality and the right to breastfeed anywhere, anytime, obviously.
5. Children's Area: Play mats TAMI, Wooden Activity Arch NAHO
6. Mirror Maisons du monde, High chair Charlie Crane, Transat LEVO
Breastfeeding cafés and parenting workshops
The Mom sweet home is a space where you can find, try on, get advice on all the pieces of the TB collection, chat with other members of the tribe or simply come and have a breather... Whether you are breastfeeding or not!
Every month and in small groups, we also invite you to exclusive micro-events to share your experience, learn from others' and listen to the advice of the specialists we recommend when you ask us where to turn: lactation consultant, DME expert, babywearing advisors... La Mif' is full of resources! We'll be opening up registrations as we get news - check out our Instagram page to keep up to date and our news'letter to make sure you don't miss out!
See you à la Mom Sweet Home!
Come and say hello:
Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 7pm
34 cours d’Alsace-et-Lorraine, 33000 Bordeaux
A huge thank you to our architect, Hélène Touratier (https://www.helenetouratier.com) and all her craftsmen who worked with love to make the Mom Sweet Home.
We would also like to thank all the brands that collaborated in the design of all the spaces.
Among those not mentioned above: TIPTOE stools, HK Living furniture, Mézamé and their play mats, Beaba nursing cushions, Woodchuck kids-friendly furniture. Lovely children balancing pieces from Benlemi.