Breastfeeding a premature baby
Breastfeeding and prematurity
Breastfeeding is beneficial for all babies, and for premature babies, it is even vital! Some doctors liken breast milk to medicine:
- It plays a crucial role in the baby's brain development.
- It assists the immature digestive system in functioning normally.
- It strengthens anti-infectious defenses and regulates the immune response.
Breastfeeding a premature baby is possible, but the initiation of breastfeeding will be different from that of a full-term baby. Indeed, the premature baby may not always be able to latch, and the mother may need to express her milk, which can be challenging. Incredible teams support mothers whose babies are hospitalized in neonatology. Lactation consultants, pediatric nurses, and midwives assist mothers in their breastfeeding journey while respecting their free choice. Skin-to-skin contact is one of the recommended strategies to support milk production. During or after skin-to-skin, milk expression will be facilitated. The baby will be able to breastfeed directly when capable.
The composition of breast milk is perfectly adapted to the premature baby and their needs. It evolves according to the baby's development to provide the necessary nutrients. Every milliliter of milk is precious and vital for the premature baby.

Here are some tips for mothers of premature babies:
Dare to seek advice from the healthcare team. You can also consult the SOS Prema Parents Guide, especially the chapter dedicated to breastfeeding on page 25: https://www.sosprema.com/infos-utiles/nos-guides-et-livrets/.
Continuing to breastfeed your premature baby can be challenging when you're alone at home, so don't hesitate to contact the SOS Prema Family Support Line in France at 0800 96 60 60 (call and services are free). On Mondays and Wednesdays, Béatrice and Claire, pediatric nurses, and Mauro, childcare assistant, are there to listen. On Thursdays, Danielle, a pediatrician, answers your questions. Check the SOS Prema hotline hours here: https://www.sosprema.com/aide-contact/permanence-telephonique/
Don't forget, you can also support breastfeeding solidarity:
By donating your milk!
If your milk is precious for your baby, it is also vital for other more fragile babies. Feel free to contact the nearest milk bank for more information: https://association-des-lactariums-de-france.fr/carte-des-lactariums/.
By supporting SOS Prema with Tajinebanane through the "Latte suspendu" initiative.
From January 25th to February 29th, 2024, when validating your purchase basket, you can make a donation to the association to give all premature babies the best chances to grow well. Thank you for your reading and support 🖤
Photo credit: SOS Préma @marlenejean.photographie